Sonntag, 7. Juni 2009

new new new

I got new clothes ..
well, since Wednesday ;)
A yellow Vero Moda/Only Top (dress) for only 8€. I tried it on in white, but there was a loop :(
so I took it in yellow and hoped it'd look good. It's nice, but I prefer white.
I also bought a casual black long top from H&M, but it shrank after the first wash. I'm very pissed!!! That's the second 'long' top I bought in two weeks which shrank! Now, I can't wear it as a dress or under something without a jeans or pants or coat. damn it ! I wear it anyway. Maybe with a leggins, even though you can see maybe some of my butt. hahahahaha
fuck off .. *psst* ^^

hope you've more luck with your clothes.
love 2 u!

combinated with my brown waistbelt...

3 Kommentare:

  1. sieht toll aus, mit dem braunen gürtel :)

  2. Anonym7/6/09

    hübsche sachen!! das mit dem schrumpfen ist echt ärgerlich, aber bei h&m auch nicht verwunderlich :)

  3. Anonym7/6/09

    danke fürs verflogen :)
