Samstag, 30. Mai 2009

pictures of Berlin

Yea .. the best <3

At the 'Reichstag - Kuppel'

Jessica´s style
top: H&M , cardigan: H&M

The Holocaust-Denkmal

Jessica´s style at the Potsdamer Platz
scarf: H&M , jacket: BENCH , jeans: G-Star , bag: H&M, earrings: Bijou Brigitte

The Sony Center

The Potsdamer Platz train station

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel

My BF Jessica and me at the Sony Center
my clothes:
jacket: H&M , t-shirt: H&M , jeans: H&M and shoes from Tommy Hilfiger

'Checkpoint Charlie'

The 'Fernsehturm'

The 'Alexanderplatz'

Girls and me at the Brandenburger Tor :) me left

The pictures from Berlin, the culture, friends and me =)

Freitag, 29. Mai 2009

Berlin du kannst so hässlich sein.

.. Peter Fox hat ja so recht.

Ich, für meinen Teil, finde Berlin nun wirklich nicht sehr schön.
Zumindest das, was ich miterleben durfte .. Plattenbauten an Plattenbauten .... War ja auch in Kreuzberg.
Naja , ok. Es gab auch ein paar tolle Orte , wie z.B. der Alexplatz , Potsdamer Platz ( die ARKADEN!) und natürlich Brandenburger Tor, Reichstag und Umgebung ..
Leeeiiiiddeer war ich n i c h t {!} im KaDeWe ! Darüber bin ich zutiefst erschüttert.
Ich hätte es doch sooo gerne leer gekauft. [ Ich hoffe , ihr versteht Ironie.]
Natüüüürlich habe ich eine Menge Fotos gemacht :) Die werdet ihr gleich zur Schau gestellt bekommen *hihi*
.. ach , by the way. Die Römersandalen waren , wie überalL!, nicht mehr in 37 vorhanden.
Genauso wie die roten Peeptoes mit Keilabsatz und die pinken Pumps ... :( die anderen haben mich letztendlich doch nicht überzeugt. Doch ich habe ein weiteres Wunschpaar erhalten :) Die habe ich hier bloß nicht gezeigt.
Weiße Ballerinas :) Eigentlich wollte ich sie in braun , doch egal wo , überall gabs sie nicht mehr in meiner Größe .. naja. Weiß ist auch schön und zudem besser kombinierbar.
VerdaMMT. Dieser Post ist i-wie Deutsch. Haha , next time I'm going to write in English again , babe´s.
L-O-V-E 2 U :D

Hier noch die Bilder von einer meiner Errungenschaften, Freunden + mir und anderen Eindrücken :)
... Fotos von meinem neuen Top + meinem Schmuck stelle ich wann anders rein ;D

Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009

That's the way it goes

OMG [you're listening to that bitch?]

The new H&M Matthew Williamson Collection is on the internet ...
but almost everything is sold out :(
my favourite tunika, too.. Look at the picture up.

Besides, there are more news.

BEE (Beyonce) visited the Brandenburger Tor and Berlin.
She's so trendy ! Look at her ..

this jacket ! this shoes !
and her bag..

She looks perfect.

Ah, I've almost forgotten ..
the English exam was ok.
Well, the listening task wasn't that easy.
I hope the best.


Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009

Keep rocking, keep knocking

.. just kick back when love knocks you down.

Yesterday, I went shopping with my BFF <3 haha And I bought two cute shirts from H&M , of course, what else ?! ;) I fell immediatly in love with them. Here some pictures .. The white was 19,99€ and the top was only 6,90€ ! I took size 42 (XL) haha, because now I can wear it as a really short dress :P I like it ! Tomorrow, there's the English exam. I'll do it ! I know I can pass it with an A or some other good grade. I must learn some words soon, so I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. ByeBye honey's <3 love you all :)

Here are my new things :



and this one I tried on and it fits, but I didn't want to spend about 30€ on it.
I'll buy it soon, 'cause I love the classic little black one. <3

Samstag, 9. Mai 2009


Hey sweethearts ;D
Like I told you one/two days ago...
here are my new shoes :) I bought them this Friday afternoon.
They are 8 cm or something, about 7-9cm, I don't know.
They were only 14,99€.
Really cheap, well, cheap quality, too ..
I worn them this evening the first time for a dance event (latin and standard dances)
and now, they are a little broken.. (sry for my English, I don't know some words)
But I'll repair them the next month or something. After I've worn them two or three times.
I've to go to bed now. I'm really tired, dancing is exhausting ;)
See U tmrw.


Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009

Tomorrow, German test

well, sorry I have to write like this now, because I haven't got any time ^^
I must learn German, because tomorrow, there's the final German test for this year.
We're going to write 135minutes and I'm very nervous
Hope I'll do it fine!
I'll tell you tomorrow about my days and new shoes which I'll buy and yes.
CU tomorrow
love 2 yaa

Sonntag, 3. Mai 2009


I want t
he whole outfit from Rachel Bilson. She has just a perfect look.

THIS shoes ! I want them so much... really

Kate Beckinsale. Her style is so trendy and this jeans and the shoes and the top... everything. handsome

I would KILL for this dress, haha. I found the perfect dress .. I'm in love.
Izabel Goulart is so beautiful.

Boring photos

my black dress

my coat in winter another black small dress

here ... are we human or are we dancer *sing*

My day-diary

May, 03th
uhmm ... I'm so bored , haha
You want know what did I do today ?!
for sure, yes :P
well.. first, I get up, then I brushed my teeth..
no, I'm just kidding.. ;D
I read an article about studying and university-life...
REALLY interesting guys ! It was published in a German magazine called 'Der Stern'
Besides, I had to learn for the school exams.. really annoying
but I did N O T H I N G ! for the Maths-exam
only homework for Biology, Religion and English.. ;)
now, I'm eating 'Choco Crossies' and reading the 'Hamburger Abendblatt Journal' about fashion :D
I take some pictures later on..
ah, I forgot something really important
this morning, I read GossiP.Girl 9 ! (Träum doch einfach weiter) don't know it in English ..
I finished it.. GREAT book ! haha so funny
love 2 yaaa guys <3 :)

... F to the INJA

Samstag, 2. Mai 2009

shoes shoes shoes

Alaia Shoes
I want THIS shoes .. damn it x_x

I'm bored... Here are my shoes, take a look :P

Introduction in my first blog

Today, I woke up and decided to create a blog. But about what ? .. Of course :
FASHION [and other important things which controls my life, like my activities, friends, food and stuff like that.] Things, which inspires me and which I want to share with everyone.
Haha, I'd like to say my English is very bad, for sure... I'm from German, right ?! yea
Please, don't judge me for my English. If you've got some helpful suggestions, I'd pleased about to hear it.
Leave me messages or comments,

. . .